Sunday, September 27, 2015


I have been into bohemian style. I love earth tone colours, white, beaches, fringes, feathers, boots, floppy hat, oversized top, blonde, and Hippearce since years ago. I'm getting sure that my style tend to be Boho. So, last Sunday my outfits was inspired by Bohemian. It is not completely Boho style, but slightly boyish too.

Freedom of Expression

There are two others happiness in this world, they are called Saturday and Sunday. Though I still did some tasks yesterday, I am happy today because I decided to go having much fun with Indri.    

We were crazy for having many tasks and other campus issues these weeks. The academic stuffs were overwhelmed like we will be graduated next week. Lol. I also did not know exactly what was going on, these weeks I thought that I couldn't express myself freely and felt afraid if people would judge me. My best friends could see the difference. They complaint that I look more gorgeous in high school last year. Then, I remember, it's all about what I want to be and must strive for. My Mom and best friends support it. Why should I care to negative statements from the new environment? I know myself better than anyone. I won't let people limit and bring me down. I have an authority for myself. It's time to explore. So, let's celebrate it!

These photos were taken in Tangerang. Usually Indri and I change our role as the model and photographer, but today it's different. We experience new thing. It's just last night we imagined we could took this photography concept. Gratefully, today God send us photographers and make it happened. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Cafe Batavia, J'adore (Extended) & Travel Tips

Indri and I got generally the same question from many of you about how we, as university students, could go to places so often. Thus, I release this post special for explaining the question. Plus, I give you some secret tips how you can travel and hunt photos as often as we did, although you are not financially independent yet.

The first thing that you need to underline is that you have to know first what your passion is and what makes you happy. Everyone will have different answers. This tips will work well if you have the same answer as me and Indri. Our passion is fashion photography and traveling (exploring). No wonder if we instantly gonna be happy by window shopping only. However, if you have different passion with us, you still can continue to read this post to know that there is always story behind the photographs.

Indri and I have a dream to be world travelers. We believe that this world is so wide and there are many things await us to be explored. Now, we are training ourselves to explore any places as far as we can. Last year, Alhamdulilllah we were succeed to travel to Yogjakarta, Central Java for the first time with minimal budget. Fortunately, that dream is connected with our passion. We often make a plan to go somewhere only for hunting photos. The benefits that we got are amounts too:
  • We gained experiences in visiting new places, including how to go there, what the transportation that we used, and the condition of the building itself for photography.
  • We met new people or old relatives, including sharing new experience, increasing connection, and gaining motivation to be success like them. 
  • We got many knowledge and inspiration, especially when attending bazaar or exhibition and going to museum.
People saw my instagram account and thought that Indri and I was kind of hedonist people. FYI, that we are ordinary human that love extraordinary thing and Alhamdulillah have capability to make ordinary objects become good looking images. If you are curious about how we produced those images in our instagrams, here I provide you our secrets:
  • Subscribe account that provide you any info about exhibition, bazaar, and workshop! It can be via e-mail or twitter account. For Indonesian, you may try They provides so many events info. Choose the free one!
  • Read fashion magazine like Harper's Bazaar or Marie Claire! They sometimes also provide info about sophisticated event. I usually read them as inspiration for my fashion design.
  • Follow magazine's instagram account as they will post any event posters too!
  • Decide a concept before hunting photos! Choose which place that you want to use as the location setting, what kind of outfit that matched, and what kind of make up that you want to apply.
  • In styling, use kind of outfit that you feel comfort in it and represent your own personality! You don't need to be somebody else to be stylish. However, also match the color and the fabrication with the destination place! For example, if we go to temple, we avoid brown, and grey colors because it will camouflage with the stone. Choose bright colors like pastel colors or fruity colors to pop up the photograph! Or, if you want elegant look, black never goes wrong. 
  • Eat and drink well in home before you go hunting some photos! Some meals are high cost enough in your destination place. Grab bread or donuts in pastry shop for snack because they are just IDR 10,000 and contain enough carbohidrat.
  • Bring water bottle with you to be environmentally friendly, hygienic, and low cost.
  • Bring some make up to touch up when you arrive in the destination! In order to have good photographs, you need to have fresh and clean look.
  • Go together with your bestfriend(s) because the trip will be more fun. Bestfriend is the one who know you so well, sometimes also have the same desire with you. There are many things that possible to happens during your trip. Sometimes you will feel tired of walking, hungry.. or you may want to stay longer in that place, want to take more photos and feel like you wanna buy any meals but you don't want to pay and eat it by yourself. lol. All those things are very easy if you do it with your bestfriend. Indri and I do so.
  • Use comfortable, secure, and low cost public transportation for your journey. Usually I and Indri by TransJakarta or commuter line and sit next to the security or in female carriage.
  • Don't forget to charge full your DSLR battery before you go hunting!
  • Catch taxi for short distance only and share the cargo cost with your bestfriend!
  • You don't need to pay for photographer and make up artist. Learn and be one!
  • Post only good photos with good lighting to your instagram!
I think that's all that I can share to you guys. I hope it will be useful for you. Stay tuned!
God bless you all!

Cafe Batavia, J'adore!

Yesterday me and Indri had no class since my campus held senior graduation. I think it was the wanted day. Lol. In the afternoon, Indri said, "Let's go to Kota Tua!" I agreed and at 4:30 pm we arrived there. As simple as that? Yes! It's super easy for us to explore new place because things we need to do are just paying for the commuter line and hunting some photographs. The rests, we'll think about it later. If we're hungry we can grab any breads or snacks. People have different ways to create happiness and it is our way.

We only planned to stroll around Kota Tua as well as do fashion photography. As usual, we didn't want to make our trip useless. Actually it's a tip for you, guys! If you go to good places, don't just do selfie because people will not know and believe where you are. Thus, the right styling is very important. Remember, good place and matched costume contribute a good picture. Basically we need to have concept before doing photography. So, before me and Indri went to Kota Tua, we did quick review through instagram and decided to have bright colour in our outfit to pop up the old place. In addition, we planned Cafe Batavia as our background since we thought it was the most eye catching building. 

Honestly it was my first time to come to Kota Tua. When I arrived there, my feet directly stepped to Cafe Batavia's entrance and a waiter suddenly opened the door for me. I came in. Indri was behind me. I knew what was in her head, but she never came in before and so did I. Perfect! 'We'll never know, unless we dare to try'. The waiter offered me the non smoking area and the smoking area. For sure I picked the non smoking one. Then, we went upstairs. 

Another waiter led us to a table for two people next to the window, exactly at the side of red-white flag outside.

Several minutes later, he came to us with the menu books. For a moment we were shocked when looking at the price list. Lol. Then we decided to order Shrimp Lumpia and Earl Grey Hot Tea.

Our orders were delivered one by one with some different waiters. The first waiter came bringing a cup and a jar of Earl Grey Tea and pouring the tea to the cup. Then he left. The second one, brought only plates, forks, and sauce. Finally, the last waiter came and said, "this is you Shrimp Lumpia." Yeay! I thank him and he replied it.
I was feeling like in France. Listening to the classic song and enjoying a cup of Earl Grey Tea was 'très parisienne'. 

The Shrimp Lumpia was so perfect. The lumpia was full of fresh crispy deluxe shrimps. It wasn't too salty and wasn't too plain. I WILL come back to this place for this food again in another chance, insyaAllah.

It was too delicious that I forgot to use my fork. lol.

When I was there, I really didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay longer. Then, true, I went home with feeling like.. how warm that place was. I felt like I had found a 'place'. I think, I fall in love with that place..

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Let's Go to Baazar Art Jakarta 2015!

A year ago I was lying on my bed inside my dorm room imagining if I would attend bazaar art. Now, here I am. Becoming university student allows me to be free to attend places that I like. Well, it means I need to deal with new things; courses, rules, people, and even my personality. However, finally I can start do my plans like going to Bazaar Art Jakarta 2015.

I went there on August 29 with Indri. The reason was not only we wanted to hunt photos, yet I wanted to know more about art. I think learning really can be done anywhere. In addition, the artists' creations are really worthy to see. It was truly good source to improve my sense of art.

Bazaar Art Jakarta 2015 was held on August 27-30, 2015 in The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta Ballroom, Pacific Place. The first day was opening party and private preview. It was invitation only. Then, from August 28-30 the bazaar was open for public and free entry. So, if you think that you need weekend destination and especially have talent in art, why don't you go to your way to attend this event? Btw it's annual event, you can plan to attend annually. I do so.

I love the tagline of Bazaar Art "When Art Meets Fashion & Lifestyle." For me, art is part of fashion and fashion is part of art. They have strong connection.